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Frankly Fink

4 подписчика

Current Hate: Online Reviews

This is a topic that’s been a long time in the making and I know I can’t be the only one who has innocently tried to make an informed purchase, decide on where to stay or choose between restaurants and after reading a few reviews feel like I’m attending a Honey Boo Boo family reunion.The worst part? There’s nothing you can do to keep the people who write the most absurdly ridiculous reviews ever from doing it because of freedom of speech.

Thanks a lot George Washington. All I’m trying to do is find a decent hotel to stay at and I’m forced to choose whether to trust the guy who says there was no toilet in his room or the guy who claimed the the $99 Best Western was better than The Plaza. I get people have different opinions but really what is going on? There wasn’t a toilet in your hotel room? Are you sure you were checking into a hotel and not the Sleepy’s next door? And what is with the people who feel the need to include the intimate details of their stay? All I want to know is “Was it worth the money?” I personally don’t care if your daughter had food poisoning or if the weather was bad. This isn’t your Memoir, just give me the facts.

Or what about the people who complain that there were no vegan options at a restaurant and then give it 1 star? Don’t punish the restaurant for your poor life choices, it’s not their fault you went to Capital Grille looking for a tofu medley. One more thing about reviews that just really gets on my nerves. WHEN PEOPLE REVIEW A PRODUCT NEGATIVELY FOR NOT HAVING A CERTAIN FEATURE. I’m sorry that you want a wifi capable camera and you were too stupid to purchase one that had wifi capabilities but why do I have to suffer with you? Your inability to read the “features” page on BestBuy.com has nothing to do with whether or not the camera takes good pictures and can withstand a night at the bar when it’s 2 for 1 drinks.

Writing a review is like going on a first date. Leave the personal stuff for someone who cares and don’t give it all up right away just because you’re all excited.


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