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Frankly Fink

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Current Obsession: Tag Team Working

Being new to the workforce I’ve noticed there are a few things that really need to be added to the common work day and I’m pretty surprised no President has signed a law making these few, minor adjustments mandatory. For instance, why isn’t there at least one puppy at every office? Puppies relieve stress and a stress free work environment means happier employees…am I right?

Since E! put the WWE Divas on TV I’ve gotten pretty into wrestling and as it turns out, there’s a lot wrestling has gotten right that we need to bring to the workplace. Where am I going with this you may ask? TAG TEAM WORKING! Is there an all day Sex And The City marathon Bravo that you can’t bear the thought of missing? No big deal, just tag your partner in for work that day. Do you have trouble staying awake in meetings because your co-worker’s voice is so monotone it makes Eugene Levy sound animated? Just tag your partner in, who conveniently loves meetings because he’s figured out how to hide his phone so he can troll Tinder without anyone knowing.

I’m not saying people shouldn’t have to work, I’m just saying if using a tag team method is good enough for the Bella Twins, it’s good enough for me. Honestly, if Bradley Cooper wants to take you out for pizza so he can whisper sweet nothings in French in your ear, what are you supposed to say? No, sorry I have to work. I don’t think so. You just tag your partner in and while all the necessary work is getting done you’re at Tiffany’s picking out your engagement ring.

Think about the possibilities, America.


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