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Frankly Fink

4 подписчика

Current Hate: Adulting

“With great power comes great responsibility.” I get it, I really do. Part of having the power of being an adult and being able to eat chinese food for breakfast and ice cream for dinner means that you also have to put up with certain responsibilities. But why must all these responsibilities be so emotionally crippling?

Medical bills? They’re the worst, you know? It’s just like, I know that I should go to the eye doctor and make sure I’m not going blind but I can’t help but mourn the loss of that Kate Spade bag I was gonna look so chic carrying around as I hand over my $400 in exchange for peace of mind that WebMD was wrong about the whole eye cancer thing.

And what is with this whole having to go to work every day? And no summer vacation or at least a week off for the winter holidays? Who thought that was a good idea? It’s like all of a sudden you graduate college and BAM, life is over. Honestly, with all the government programs out there you’d think someone would have come up with one that lets you ease into this whole, adult thing. You know, the first year out you get your Thanksgiving break taken away, then Christmas break, then summer break. All at once is too big of a shock to the system.

Also what ever happened to compassion? It’s as if once you walk across the stage your parents lose all compassion to your problems. In college when you call your mom and complain how you’re so stressed out, you’d find a nice care package waiting for you a few days later. Don’t even think about checking the mail after you complain to your parents about being stressed, all you’re gonna find are bills.

Finally, we have taxes .WHO INVENTED THIS TORTURE? No, I didn’t know I needed proof of my medical bills. Oh? What’s that? I could have gotten $1,000 extra back if I was married? As if having to buy your own drinks and put together your furniture alone wasn’t bad enough now you’re being punished for being single. Oh and before you get your return you’re gonna need to cough up $200 for a program to do your taxes, surprise!

Totally understand that we all have to grow up sometime. But must the world make it so difficult?


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