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Frankly Fink

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Current Obsession: Adult Summers

Being an adult is filled with major changes, like suddenly finding yourself excited over getting a new vacuum for your birthday and realizing you will never, ever, ever, ever again have a summer break. Unless you’re a teacher with a wealthy spouse in which case, please stop reading because we aren’t speaking right now.

BUT my new years resolution was to try to think in the positive so I’ve discovered some great summer perks for all of us “adults” out there. I put “adults” in quotes because most of you still call your mom asking her about the seriousness of a food expiration date and are still on their cell phone plans.

Summer is the only time of year that you can go into work on Monday with unwashed hair that’s half dreadlocks, half grease and be completely forgiven just by saying, “Oh no I wasn’t binge watching netflix all weekend and forgot to shower, I was at the beach all weekend.” Apparently in summer, knotted, greasy hair is “beach sexy” not “I wore the same sweatpants all weekend and haven’t showered since Thursday, gross.”

Another great thing about summer? Having a cocktail or two or ten while hanging out in the sunshine on the weekends. In winter you spend your weekends folding laundry, doing taxes and all the other boring chores bestowed upon grown-ups. But in the summer you can just head outside, spike your lemonade and forget all of your adult responsibilities….until the morning when you wake up with an unbearable headache and realize you’re not as young and durable as you used to be. Sure, you can make the argument that you could spend the winter weekends sipping away as well but the best adult additions to hot chocolate have bizarre ingredients and do you know how expensive those are? Here’s a hint, if it has the word liqueur in it, I can’t afford it.

Not to mention summer fashion. Throw on a pair of shorts and tank top, or better yet a pair of linen pants and you’re good to go, for 3 months of the year no one cares that much about designers because it’s all about wearing the least amount of clothes possible so you don’t die of heat stroke. I mean, seriously, do you know how much a pair of linen pants costs? Like $10 from Target, it’s a broke post-grads dream.

So to all my adult friends out there. Perk up, summer is still the best season.


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