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Frankly Fink

4 подписчика

Current Obsession: High School vs. College Problems

The other day I was talking to my younger sister who’s a senior in high school and I got to thinking how similar our problems were.  Going from High School to College is like moving from China to America, it’s more expensive but you have more freedom.




Senior High School Problem: “What if no one wants to ask me to prom?


Senior College Problem:  “What if no one wants to ask to marry me?”


Sure this is probably a problem that could be put off for a few years but it’s a valid concern as you’re looking at a recent job rejection email. All of a sudden you see yourself 30 years from now, no job, no husband…just cats, everywhere.



Senior in High School Problem: “How am I supposed to get up at 6:30 A.M. for school?”


Senior in College Problem: “There’s no way I’m making it to my 10 A.M tomorrow.”


College is like an extended vacation, you’re perpetually jet-lagged and 10 A.M feels like 4 A.M.  Having class before 10 A.M. is like watching the Bling Ring, painful and unnecessary.



Senior in High School Problem: “No one wants to hire me.”


Senior in College Problem: “No one wants to hire me.”


I used to think finding a minimum wage after-school job was tough until I started applying for post-grad jobs offering a salary and benefits.  I long for the days when the only “required skills” was that you were legally allowed to work in the United States.



Senior in High School Problem: “How can I possibly be expected to write a 3 page, double spaced paper?”


Senior in College Problem: “A 15-page, single spaced paper…this isn’t going to go well.”


In High School when you don’t even have pool parties or Netflix to occupy your time and the only real hobby you have is school work, you’re only expected to make you write 3 double-spaced pages yet in college they expect you to write the next Odyssey. Just because we got into college doesn’t mean I can even read a consistent 15 pages let alone write one.


Don’t get discouraged, in the wise words of Chumbawamba, “I get knocked down, but I get up again you’re never gonna keep me down.”  

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