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Frankly Fink

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Current Obsession: Taylor Swift

With the recent release of her Blank Space video I felt it was time to immortalize the woman wonder that is Taylor Swift. There are two types of people in this world: people who love Taylor Swift and people who love to hate Taylor Swift and if you’re in the second group the reason why you cringe hearing her catchy, man-hating songs on the radio is probably because it reminds you of the person you wish you could be.

While you’re sitting there binge eating Ben and Jerry’s and bringing home 2’s to deal with your break up, Taylor Swift deals with hers by cashing in. And it works…all 6 albums worth. The only other woman to outshine Taylor on the breakup payday was Tiger Woods’ wife. Yes she may act a little bit like she’s the long-lost cousin of Charlie Sheen in her music videos but let’s be honest with ourselves, after a breakup or two you’ve wanted to take a golf club to a vintage car and drop his cell phone in a fountain too…but probably just stick to fantasizing about that because breaking those things can get expensive and we all don’t have a hit song to bankroll our anger management.  Oh what’s that? You’re making fun of her dancing? That’s fine, she’ll just write a song called Shake It Off and laugh as she watches it climb the charts to the number one spot. She’s basically a walking Anti-Bullying campaign. She also has awesome friends like Ellen Degeneres so really what more could you want from a girl?


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