I love the Super Bowl for the same reason why most Americans do; there’s buff men in tight pants and you can eat wings, meatballs, potato skins and nachos all in the span of 3 hours because calories don’t count on Super Bowl Sunday. But most of all, like a true American brought up on product placement, I love the Super Bowl because of the commercials.
Some were good, some you wanted to see again and some you sat there wondering how they got that far without someone telling them to stop, it’s like being in the audience of the semi-finals for American Idol. So here’s some that I think really just made an impression on our beer-soaked brains yesterday. The Snickers’ commercial is just about as good of a commercial as you can get because it had something for everyone. For all the parents out there, it featured the head honchos of the Brady clan, who with their never-ending knowledge single-handedly solved all of Marsha’s problems with a Snickers bar. For the oldest child, they got to sit back and watch as America was force fed oldest child propaganda that they’re the favorite…or did no one else notice that the parents just gave Marsha whatever she wanted? Then, for us forgotten middle children out there our voices were heard as Steve Buscemi storms off camera. Wondering what’s in it for the youngest child? Jan Brady wasn’t even featured because she was probably off partying somewhere, letting the youngest children of the world know they can still do whatever they want because by the 3rd child who really has the energy to make rules for them anyways?The Budweiser commercial is always a good one and this year was no exception.Even though it didn’t really make me want to buy Budweiser I do however want to buy a puppy, a few horses and move to rural America with my hot, farmer boyfriend. Another great one was the First Draft Ever commercial for avocados. I mean, I don’t really know the difference between Mexican Avocados and the standard American Avocado but any commercial that has a polar bear wearing a sombrero works for me.
One commercial that just really wasn’t cutting it was the Nationwide childhood death commercial. Whoever decided to switch out the commercials where they’re giving you all new stuff for this Edgar Allen Poe novel should quit their job and go back to listening to Coldplay and writing in their diary. I mean really? What was that? I get it, protect your kids, but unless you’re selling childproof cabinet locks or faucets that can sense when your child is quietly drowning what can you do to help Nationwide? If Nationwide really wanted to help the children of the world they should have taken that 30 second slot and just displayed the number for DYFS. At least then the nice 3 beer buzz I had going on wouldn’t have been killed.
There were some really good commercials and some really bad commercials but I think the question on all of our minds is, “How did Jublia, the toe fungus cream come up with $4.5 million for an ad during the superbowl?”